Question Papers
Paper : DSE-B-1 (China)
Full Marks : 65
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
1. Write short notes on any three (250 words) : 5×3
(a) Treaty system in China (b) Moslem rebellion in China
(c) Tung-Chi restoration
(d) Nature of the Boxer rebellion
(e) Three major principles of Sun Yat Sen
(f) May Fourth Movement and new culture.
2. Answer any one question : 10×1
(a) What were the steps taken by the Commissioner Lin Tse-hsu for putting an end to the illegal opium trade?
(b) Discuss the backgroud of the foundation of the Communist Party of China.
3. Answer any two questions : 20×2
(a) Write an essay on Canton system of trade.
(b) Discuss several features of the Self-strengthening Movement.
(c) Discuss the features of Warlordism in China.
(d) Evaluate the achievements of the Nanking government under Chiang Kai Shek.
Thank you❤ sir